Wednesday, December 31, 2008

I love a good rant! (one against raising funds for the government by charging to drive on roads, raise fuel costs, etc) for a great rant, the rest, is seperate and equally amusing

We refuse to be blamed, castigated, inconvenienced, and more importantly, taxed as a result of the natural cycles of our planetary climate.
So, Messrs Brown and Darling, along with all your ecomentalist cronies, to borrow a phrase from our fine Irish friends, "up your hole with a big jam roll".

What the politicians don’t seem to grasp (or choose to ride roughshod over) as they chant their ‘consensus’ mantra, presumably on the principle that if you repeat a lie often enough then people will believe it, is that if consensus is king in science then nobody these days would have heard of Darwin, Gallileo, Copernicus or Einstein…

My Zimbio