"Now that new car time is upon us, gosh knows, we hate to be the ones to spoil all the fun. After all, what's more fun than taking the family down to see the shiny new models or to hear the fast-talking salesman, or maybe even to pick up a free balloon?
It's just that during all that hoopla and razzle-dazzle, you may not want to pick up one of those exciting new cars.
For the unpleasant fact of the matter is that junkyards throughout the country are doing a thriving business on automobiles that seemingly just yesterday were showroom stars.
Which is why we suggest a trip to the junkyard before you decide to put a new car in your own yard.
And why we suggest that the new car be a Volkswagen.
For while we can't promise you how long one will last, we can tell you that over a million Volkswagens are still on the road.
And when one drops out, even then it's not always destined to be dropped in a pile, for old Volkswagens have a habit of becoming other things, like new dune buggys. All in all we owe it all to a decision we made 24 years ago.
To spend very little time making our car look better. And a great deal of time making it work better.
So far, that one decision has kept us out of a lot of trouble."
Found on http://carrosantigos.wordpress.com/